Samsung Galaxy S23, Plus & Ultra 5G Series Rumors about the Flagship Device

There have been several Samsung Galaxy S23, Plus & Ultra 5G series rumors as the launch date is approaching. According to some sources, this new flagship device would be available at the beginning of 2023.

Samsung Galaxy S23, Plus & Ultra 5G series rumors

A few months ago, there was no information about the date or time. But some rumors have been flying, stating that it would likely be ready in February. Aside from the rumors about the launch date, there are also other rumors about the new design. So, read on to get the latest update!

The Latest Rumor Updates

As it was mentioned before, among some Samsung Galaxy S23, Plus & Ultra 5G series rumors, the biggest one is about the launch date. There have been several speculations and predictions from the enthusiasts, followed by the existing rumors around.

  • A new report stated that the S23 Ultra would be launched first. The launch will take place in the very beginning of February 2023, and then the rest of the lineup will be either come along or follow up
  • The S23 Ultra is said to come with the brightest display screen ever
  • The lineup of S23 may likely be coming with satellite communication. If it’s true, then Galaxy S23 would have similar feature like iPhone 14.

The Launch Date Speculation

T.M. Roh, Samsung boss, has stated that their Galaxy S Ultra would be coming back. He mentioned it when they were talking about the end of the series of (Galaxy) Note. The remaining question is: When would it be coming for public?

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Some people have guessed that it may be in either January or February. It’s because Samsung has this habit to unveil their Galaxy S phones in either of these 2 months, and they always do it every year.

This has been going on for several years. If they are doing their habit, it’s likely the launch date will take place in January or February. Plus, the new model has got certification (in Korea), which means that Samsung will likely keep on their timeline.

Some sources in the market stated that it’s also possible that Samsung would do the launch in mid January as they are planning on moving the date forward. However, sources point out that it’s likely happening in February. The latest insider source stated that the S23 launch would take place in February as the S23 Ultra would take part in Galaxy Unpacked event with other (new) models.

Another Pricing Rumor

Rumor has it that the new S23 Ultra would start from the minimum of $1,200 although a lot of Galaxy fans would be happier if Samsung can drop the price.

Samsung should remember that they are competing against Pro Max iPhone 14, with its beginning price at around $1,100, so it’s cheaper. This could be the battle of fans loyalty: whether people would go with the rather cheaper iPhone 14 or stay with Galaxy S23 Ultra?

Another rumor states that there is always a possibility of promo codes to get the new S23 Ultra, but then again, who really knows? There is likely going to be new Samsung Galaxy S23, Plus & Ultra 5G series rumors so you should stay tuned!

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